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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: World Of Warcraft Leveling Guide - 12/02/2014 22:13

  Climbing to your Top rated: WOW Leveling Usually, each and every degree earned in WoW is really a minute to become savored, regardless of whether on a easy activity this kind of being a quest flip in or all through an epic battle, while using total well being and mana being just that which you must win. But with regards to other characters you need to degree, it can be considered a pain, trudging throughout the similar material on a number of occasions. buying wow gold Leveling guides can offer a substantially extra efficient pace on the subject of bringing characters up through the start stages to degree eighty. Staying ready to get facts in advance of time to group quests into blocks while using turn in level in the same region. Not having to run from a person spot to another for different quests numerous days. Choosing out the top areas and mobs to destroy with the finest drop costs for items needed. Alll this and much more await you working with a guidebook in your faction as well as unique class kind. Guides are available supplying certain details most effective suited for each class, even likely into details of professions to select up to comprehensive quests and courses. Facts is damaged up into each and every articles area showing the many quests to pick up, how and the place to finish them, and where by to turn them in. Being able to run into Stormwind or Goldshire and turn in six finished quests, racking up many thousand expertise is incredibly enjoyable. Effectiveness could be the title of the online game for leveling as performance equals pace. Guides became refined sufficient now to no more time be confined to paper guides or internet sites detailing many of the details. Create ons could be downloaded and set up pointing the best way for each stage of the quest from decide on up, killing the correct mobs or obtaining the correct space and turning it in. Chat about efficiency. Most guides promote too the large degree of gold you may accumulate by utilizing the power leveling ways. This really is slightly a lot less guaranteed as the leveling element but still a great incentive presented the efficiency obtained regarding diminished travel and hopefully restoration expenditures. Becoming ready to work with weapons, armor and goods from quest rewards is substantially more cost-effective and less difficult than constantly upgrading your gear. Electrical power leveling ideally indicates you will not be at any level for as well prolonged that means you may be constantly eating up gear and needing replacement goods to maintain up. Not needing to end at outlets to obtain new goods or browsing the auction house for replacements is a boon when leveling. The auction house can nonetheless be a excellent location to unload every one of the objects you'll invariably decide on up from leveling, be it weapons or unusable armor or crafted items you make from the bounty of raw components offered for you. Taking a while to believe in advance as to what sort of professions you wish to have when max level is actually a good move. Skinning by way of example can be a pretty uncomplicated and simple skill to level and continue to keep speed with offered the huge level of mobs you will be killing and ready to skin (for some courses anyways). Enchanting is one more skill, slightly extra involved than skinning but an incredible profession that you simply can feed the many loot you choose up into taking the essences from goods. In small, leveling guides might be a treasure trove of practical facts that any individual serious about reaching eighty quickly really should look at. If you want to buy wow gold,please go to

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: The dangers of Monday night LFR - 14/02/2014 23:08

After my guild finished raid on Monday, we voted to do the fourth wing of Siege of Orgrimmar in flex for another shot at Garrosh's heirlooms. Before queuing for flex, people took a break to let their dogs out, get something to drink, or jump on alts to do their farming. My fellow tank hopped to his alt warrior and wondered aloud over the buying wow gold wisdom of doing an LFR on him later that night. "Don't do it," was the universal consensus. "Monday night LFR is just asking for trouble. The only winning move is not to play." That got me thinking about the weirder aspects of the game's culture, in which a single day and a raid lockout divides an alleged nightmare (Raid Finder on Mondays) from a safe bet (Raid Finder on Tuesdays). The usual story is that people run their better-geared mains through Raid Finder soon after the weekly lockout finishes, but come Sunday and Monday they're running their less-geared alts, and usually on classes with which they're less familiar. There's got to be more to it than this, but it's a narrative that most players are probably aware of by now. Out of morbid curiosity, I've occasionally taken my main or alt shaman through Sunday and Monday LFRs but can't say I've noticed a massive difference. There are definitely more times late in the week where I've zoned into a squabbling raid with a two-stack of Determination, but most runs are fairly uneventful. However, one player's experiences are rarely representative, and your own gear and experience play a role as well. A well-geared toon, especially if it's a tank or healer, is at least marginally more likely to contribute a successful raid, and vice versa. I'm tempted to do a series of LFRs and measure overall raid DPS and number of deaths by day. I'm genuinely curious whether the conventional wisdom is right, and late-week Raid Finders are more likely to encounter trouble than their early-week counterparts. If you want to buy wow gold,please go to

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: Simple Wow Gold Making Guide - 16/02/2014 23:18

  Having a ton of wow gold sale in World of Warcraft is arguably the most crucial component of the game, if you don't have adequate funds you'll fail miserably and feel like every other "wounded duck" out there who can't afford the latest epics and enchants. Gold is necessary for virtually all aspects of the game. It is required for buying and selling items from vendors, as well as other players. Let's face it, when your bashing down opponents in Battlegrounds, or dominating ICC, your'e gunna need the best gear, enchants, consumables, and weapons... ...and those cost GOLD, and quite a bit of it I might add. Below I've listed some very basic general tips that you're going to be able to internalize into your game and start seeing immediate improvement. 1. Choose A Profession ASAP The faster you choose a profession the quicker you're going to be able to start leveling it and getting the benefits from having one. It's also important to pick professions that compliment each other well, for instance if you were a tank then mining and blacksmithing might be a good choice for you. Mining, Skinning, and Herbalism are great gathering professions and have the potential to get you hundreds of gold pre hour if used correctly at level 80. A good caveat of skinning is that as you are grinding mobs you can skin them, level up your profession, and make cash at the same time. This is a really simple, yet powerful method to use and it's highly recommended because of the dual nature assigned to it. Mining is also a very profitable profession to acquire as well. As you are leveling you will also find nodes everywhere and it's never a problem to mine a few ores while you're out bashing mob's heads in. You will constantly find secret caves or entrances that have rare and valuable minerals you can either use for yourself or sell on the Auction House for a nice sum of money. Thirdly, Herbalism is another GREAT profession to get, I would say that no one profession is better than the other but there are definitely favorable combinations that you would probably want to go into to maximize the amount of gold you're going to be able to make. Inscription is a very valuable profession to have in conjuction with herbalism because of the massive amounts of herbs you need to level this profession, never fear will pay you big profits in the long run. Alchemy is also another skill that goes well with herbalism because once again, herbs are required to make the various potions and flasks. Jewelcrafting and Enchanting are also extremely valuable professions to go into and are probably the most rewarding along with inscription but you're going to need a lot of gold to fuel these professions. So be sure to figure out if you wanna just have gathering professions, or if you think having a "synergistic" combination of professions is more of your playing style. Once again, there is no "one" way to make gold in WoW, it's all about figuring out your own personal playing style and creating your own way to to make gold personally. 2. While Leveling, Get Quests In Large Quantities This is a really useful tip for leveling in WoW. It's very important to pick up as many quests as you can while you are leveling through the various regions in WoW. If you can pick up a good leveling guide as well you can use this in combination and pick the best routes and literally increase your leveling speed for 5-10 TIMES. This is very serious information and should be taken seriously. Obviously, if you are a level 80 then you aren't going to need to know this and you've probably already figured this out yourself... ...But who knows, you might want to level up another alt and you aren't sure the best way to level. if you still have questions about this it would probably be best to do some more research on google or even better yet, look for a leveling guide. This might seem silly, but a leveling guide is actually a GOLD guide as well, the faster you level and turn in quests, the faster you're going to be able to get the quest rewarsd from the NPC's. Surprisingly, as you are leveling as a lowbie, your main income is going to be coming from your gathering profession and the quest rewards. Faster Leveling = Faster Gold Making 3. Before Level 80- Do NOT Buy Gear Now I know what you're thinking, and I completely agree with you. As an outsider looking in, you probably think this sounds counter-intuitive...better gear means your going to level faster - right? Well...sort of The sad truth is, all that gold that you saved up and then spent for the secret bowstaff of glory will probably be replaced in about 5-10 levels by a green. And as you're leveling quickly and efficiently (which you should be) then that will go by in a few days. Instead, I always tell players who are leveling to save all of their gold until they hit level cap and then spend it on WORTHWHILE items that they will be able to use for months and months. Not only will you have a ton of extra gold towards the end, you'll also eliminate a lot of wasted time that could have been done leveling or gathering more mats to make even more money. I know it's tough, and it really is a lot of fun to get that shiny new blue and test it out in the battlegrounds, and this is fine if you're a twink..but it's just not realistic as a character that's leveling. Trust me, save your gold and just keep on trucking, your wallet will thank me later. 4. Concentrate On Killing Humanoids If you're a beginner then this is going to be some really killer info that you're going to find a lot of use out of. Now this might seem like common knowledge, but humanoids are notorious for dropping more gold then any other type of mob. It's a great idea to focus on these puppies if you're looking to grind mobs and get money at the same time. Now I want you to take this with a grain of salt, obviously if you're trying to level your skinning profession and you want to make money from selling skinning materials on the AH you're not going to be able to skin humanoids. So just keep in mind what your overall goal is and act accordingly. As a fellow WoW gamer,I have to tell you, the faster you internalize these tips and start thinking with a "money mindset" the faster you're going to able to start making boatloads of cash in WoW. Are you looking for some additional tips or maybe just something more advanced? Feel free to check out my blog with my gold making guide, I have dozens and dozens of pages of rock solid content ranging for the newbie to the seasoned veteran. If you want to buy wow gold,please go to

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Raksts: The Chief Designer Of League Of Legends About Wow Should Not Blindly Cater To The Game Player - 17/02/2014 22:55

Morello, alliance of Heroes game designer, equivalent to wow gold sale in our well-known designer "crab". Morello recently in the LOL forum and LOL game player together discusses the design of world of Warcraft. Below is his discussion records and in the forum section game player. Many original ideas, such as world of Warcraft declining raid difficulty many seemingly cater to the game player is tactful criticism. "World of Warcraft pandering to the game player, but has not found the game player in the forums complaining is not really want to change things. Why designers think they know what game player want? The game which make you disappointed? Morello: the post title is very cunning. Our designers not only need to know what game player wants, what's more important game player needs. Let me explain. Game player to judge what is actually very simple -- let your core audience to express their wishes, and make sure they know we understand their point of view (such as forum users). This is a good way to communicate, at least for a high degree of participation is that user group. But the game player really need, they often do not really express. But what they want will contain the ingredients needed things. In most cases, unable to find 1 simple solutions -- either need a series of changes to achieve the ultimate goal, or need time to effect. Below I give 2 examples to illustrate the relationship between want and need, and why want cannot compel change. We weaken the hero. Few people want the hero is weakened (general is "don't want to" weaken). However, game player wants (needs) even though there are many heroes, battle environment can maintain fair. In addition, if a particularly powerful skills appear in the game, it will directly affect the game of choice, decision and game strategies. In order to meet this demand, we must weaken the hero, even if the game player does not want to weaken the we have to do. With the burning Crusadeand wrath of the Lich King as an example, reduce the difficulty can let more people to experience the game content -- these are the game player "to" performance. That is to say, was a copy of the team to them too, but now can divide a cup of a thick soup. I respect the creators of WOW (WOW itself is also very successful), however, this example illustrates the game player in real need, in fact it is a let people feel distant feeling, rather than a copy of the team itself, at this point, TBC is doing well. This is a good example that why sometimes the game player has said, but designers are not required to do the case -- you don't get the love to see and hear. You say the situation is, developers always want to respond to game player all requirements -- and sometimes game player need not what they want. We need to remind ourselves that, and our decision will generally need and relevance feedback based on the game player. Hope the above content to get your understanding, in-depth understanding of the designer and the game player how to interact. 2 world of Warcraft, weakening is said to be in order not to let the game player performance is especially outstanding and destroy the balance of the game, they just don't admit that is more and more high level game player. Morello: say no, it depends on your personal value orientation -- do you think that the game should test technology, but in fact a lot of people and not for technical content to play the game. 3 why do you think TBC is doing well?! 3/4 game player never even entered group! Seen at the end of the version of BOSS even fewer people. God, you do hero alliance doing pretty good, but you do WOW must not be good to go. I TBC AFK, MOP gave me a surprise, don't pull MMORPG good, you still fighting that what I know? Morello: I think the biggest problem is, they made some occupation in a very weak. Similar developers tell you "not every hero like death chant as awesome" or "the hero balance is impossible, so we are not going to change it." The answer is what ah?! Because the absolute balance is not possible, you have to look at their own Tyrone eat shit in the back? Let a hero will not stand in the top is the most important occupation. Weaken should also pay attention to this point. I'm not saying a copy of the team should let everyone can meet, that distant high-end feeling will get your brain to make a game that endless illusion. Basically, my guiding principle (may not be oh), some games do not need to let everyone can contact. LOL has proved that the core mechanics of the game has the largest user group, you don't have to do it more simple. A copy of the team must make the most of game player can contact. Because it is the main content of MMO in the game, is the ultimate goal of the PVE full level. The real "progress" of the game, how can you ignore? And the hero is for building the kind of sense of superiority, difficulty is greater, can contact people less. Some leaders even with heroic mode to see. Morello: actually, I agree with your views (some content need not let all the game player can contact). But the League full everyone can participate in this also makes me very satisfied. Are you sure? Even without this, world of Warcraft, user group is very complex as a pleasurable occupation -- a lot of people in the group of the play. Moreover, a lot of people is not to master the game to play it, a lot of people like the achievement system and periodic reward system (daily, prestige). Only a small part of people to play this, results in a small part of the people have lost that sense of superiority. You are a little subjective? 5 let the game player to do something?...... For example, do everyday? You know everyday how sick? This year the daily is everything...... You're right, in addition to this, the game's daily. Morello: I'm sure that their views of representative. Many now call this person, believe that the crabs will throw "random group so that the majority of game player can fully experience the game content, and difficult to model can guarantee superiority of high-end game player" such words. Yes, not everyone can see the game background data BLZ. But I remember the crab also said: "the ultimate content of many people do not have access to the game, so we have introduced a random group I mean, you're using them to prove your point -- part should only give small game player. So why has defined a small game player? As they have to do some people play not to content? I think Blizzard's decision-making process play a role -- this procedure obviously makes them to succeed in the one. For "more for less" or "less various factors of multiple", I should have and they are not the same. Can you go to teach crab if balance? Instead of using "saw the hunter hid away." the reason why we. Morello: I understand, also respect the crab; he represents the entire world of Warcraft development team. I think the world of Warcraft balance is not bad, but on the whole their design ideas I cannot agree with -- not that bad, but I and they think differently. Different theories, they have their processing method, I think their understanding of the balance is praiseworthy." If you want to buy wow gold,please go to