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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Erthygl: Swtor Game Could This Be The Biggest Mmo Coming Out? - 25/02/2014 21:12

The SWTOR game is coming out for release in just over a week (20.12.2011) and it is already being said to be one of the biggest MMO games to be released. The wow gold sale game has attracted a lot of anticipation from both star wars and MMO fans and together the fan base is insanely huge! With there being 2.4 million pre-orders standing (not including the sales that will occur on and after the day of release) the game is said to be able to knock off MMO giants World of Warcraft (WOW) off of the number one MMO spot. So what makes this game so highly anticipated for fans all over the world? Storyline For those of you that dont know the storyline it is as follows: Ages before the creation of Darth Vader, the Sith Empire have been destroyed and after years of waiting they have finally decided to make their return and fight the Republic once more. The Sith Empire is formed of Bounty Hunters, Sith Warriors and Imperial agents and you are allowed to play as any of these classes when you choose the to enter the darkside. If you choose to defend the Republic then you will be looking to play with classes such as Jedi knights, troopers and smugglers. Each of the classes in the empire and the republic all have their own advantages and disadvantages but it is guaranteed that most people are going to go for the Jedi knights or Sith warrior class so that they can wield the lightsaber. Features Of The Game A reason the SWTOR game is highly anticipated is due to the features of the game that are available to the players: PVP Warzones These warzones allow you to play against other people in the game which is something that many people would like to do against other characters from all over the world Galaxy of Worlds The chances of getting bored with a galaxy of worlds at your disposal is zero to none with a lot of space and many missions that you can play. Companion Characters You can meet and take new characters along with you on your quest however if you make a mistake by a small decision you may find out that they will betray you. Heroic Combat Engage your character in heroic cinematic combat with pistols, flamethrowers, lightsabers etc. Prepare to be amazed by the combat system integrated in the game. Epic Space Battles Go through space battles with your spaceship fighting your enemies with blasters and epic manoeuvres. These features of the game are what attracts a lot of people to the SWTOR game and is the reason for the game becoming such a popular MMO. If you want to buy wow gold,please go to

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Erthygl: Top 3 Most Common Factors Why Players Sell Their Wow Accounts - 27/02/2014 21:10

We all know that World of Warcraft is the largest MMORPG in the gaming industry. With that in mind, just think of the numbers that Blizzard is making. There are new players buying WoW accounts each day, and the current subscribers who are paying their monthly game time in order to play. Those are just a few. But for some players, they also want to make a profit in something that they invest their time in, their effort, dedication and passion, and that is their WoW accounts. In this article, we discuss the things and reasons why players sell their wow gold sale accounts. 1. Players who quit playing. Years have passed since World of Warcraft started. Until now, there are still lots of new people who subscribe to the game. But there are also players who decided to stop playing. They get tired in doing their daily routines on the game, like farming gold or mats, doing daily quests, grinding honor to purchase PvP rewards and raiding to get the loots that they want which rarely drop. Its really time consuming. And so some players decide to sell their Wow accounts, not only because its no use for them anymore but to get a social life which they didnt have when they were playing. 2. Players who are in a business of making money through WoW accounts. With 11 million World of Warcraft players and growing, and with the release of the latest expansion Wrath of the Lich King last November, lots of people are browsing different WoW accounts sites looking for their first account to play with. Most of these players are selling custom made accounts for them to sell through the use of sites that help them advertise their WoW accounts. Custom WoW accounts are more preferred by most customers because not only can they choose what class or level they want but they have an option to put their name on the account before the players in this business create the account for the customer. These players are the ones who are taking advantage of the WoW accounts market. 3. Players who dont want their accounts. There are players who own accounts they dislike or they get bored playing their character over and over again. Playing a character that you dont really like or love playing makes the game dull. The only reason to play is to enjoy the game and entertain the player. They play because they want to relax from a days work or from school exams. And because of this, players of this type are selling their WoW accounts on different sites in order for them to buy another one, an ideal account to fit their personality and their type of gameplay. Selling WoW accounts involves lots of factors. Whether its because they dont have enough time to play or they dont like playing their current character, it doesnt matter. What matters most is what makes them happy, either moving on with their life, gaining such profit or having a WoW account they will enjoy. If you want to buy wow gold,please go to

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Erthygl: Could I Get Addicted To Wow - 02/03/2014 23:23

Should you have ever took part in the virtual wow gold sale and entered throughout the land of Azeroth then you definitely can understand exactly precisely how intriguing and captivating the overall game can be. Azeroth is a make believe land that's packed with all types of creatures, intriguing ambitions to get done with and a number of other approaches and strategies to succeed and increase the ability and influence of your character. That's why it's understandable why that it is becoming highly addictive video games ever. Wow could grab your awareness and make you so focused that you in many cases just usually do not see the time fly by. The objectives and levelling tools are artfully created in order that they leave you needing just a little more at the end. You can easily see how critics of these video games consider them to be 'addictive'. Surely you have had situations in real life scenarios when you have come to be exceedingly concentrated on one thing or any other to the segregation of virtually every thing else. Presumably but this by no means turned into a full scale obsession yet if you have all experienced such a thing then you could have a good idea of how quick it is for some customers to get addicted to a computer videogame. The typical player, who engages with other players inside the virtual fantasy realm of wow, does not spend much more time there in comparison with they would on any other video game. Yet, of the eleven million active gamers many do make a serious effort actively playing. Spending significant amount of time playing WoW is mostly a dilemma that adults have got other than young ones (surprisingly enough) as the video game has built-in security measures to avoid insults. An internal watch in the game works with parental controls that permits any parent or guardian to limit usage of the overall game after a certain quantity of time has been taken in the online world. This is suitable as a typical online player could use nearly 24 hours in Azeroth every single week. A whole lot more intense game enthusiasts would consume much, much longer. As a matter of fact it's been claimed that some people have spent a day s time playing the game in just one sitting! Needless to say being so engrossed in a online game, regardless of how good it is, is not wise and will have instant and permanent results on almost every area of life. Those who form harmful addictions to video games including WoW in many cases end up without a job and with no sensible romantic engagements. In severe cases people can will be unable to perform competently in the real world and end up living their lives via the internet. Despite the fact such severe cases are incredibly few in number there will always be studies of some involved with Warcraft. The truth about many people nonetheless is that they are perhaps additive essentially. There are certain identity kinds and those who are born with (or acquire) addictive-like personality problems. Many people will come to be hooked on the things they do and will likely create tension and difficulty for their own reasons regardless of which addiction they produce. The truth is Wow is just a video game - though an excellent online game. Yet, within contrast to other Pc games this has been proven to assist people to gain knowledge of in the real world, usable skills like team building, group work, guidance and many other kinds. If you use Wow adequately and just how it had been built to be operated you'll have hrs of fun and perhaps even master some daily life abilties simultaneously. If you want to buy wow gold,please go to

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Erthygl: Dominate Wow Player Versus Player Combat As A Warrior - 03/03/2014 23:29

Playing a Warrior class character in wow gold sale PvP seems straightforward. Find the enemy, then hack him to pieces! But there's actually a lot more to it than that. Let me explain. As you would imagine, the goal of a Warrior is to deal as much physical damage as possible. Surprisingly, good Warriors are not so much worried about taking physical damage as they are suffering spell damage. That's because there are few character classes (Paladins and other Warriors) that can go toe to toe with a Warrior for more than a few seconds unless magic is involved. In straight physical combat, Warriors can unleash bursts of critical damage that will decimate lesser fighters. In PvP situations, a Warrior seldom gets many opportunities for such hand to hand combat. You're more likely to encounter spell casters and ranged fighters like Hunters than you are to duel other Warriors. This means strategy and tactics are necessary. The biggest challenge for a Warrior is usually just getting into melee range and staying there. The other classes know better than to let you get too close, and will be doing everything they can to stay out of your range. This means your character will need to use Warrior skills such as Charge to start battles and Intercept to close the gap while in battle. Once close, your Warrior will need to use other skills like Hamstring and Intimidating Shout to keep your quarry close, then load up on rage and hit the opponent as hard as possible. Further complicating things is the way that casters and ranged fighters can hurt you long before you get near them. For this reason, you must learn how to use your defensive stances and spell reflects, master the timing of intercept and hamstring, and be ready to unload as much damage as possible when you get the chance. A quality Warrior PvP Guide will provide you all the information you need to do just that. A quality Warrior PvP Guide will show you how to defeat the other character classes in various situations, where brute strength and combat rage alone are not enough. It will teach you how to take on your opponents on your own terms and how to counteract ranged and casting fighters. And it will show you how to properly use your rage and crowd control abilities together to immobilize and slaughter your foes. In addition, because a quality PvP Guide incorporates the hard-earned experience of veteran Warriors, it will contain strategies and tactics that you're unlikely to discover on your own in any reasonable amount of time. It will teach you the key things you need to know, saving you vast amounts of time and energy you would otherwise spend on trial and error. If you want to buy wow gold,please go to