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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif প্রবন্ধ: WoW Moviewatch: Seven Devils - 06/02/2014 22:23

Seven Devils from Youtube user Time-Lost Productions tells a fairly simple tale -- a city is destroyed, and the lone survivor returns to survey the damage, complete with flashbacks to the city's destruction. While the in-game footage used in the films isn't the best from a graphics quality standpoint, the narrative of this particular music video is strong. And in a strange way, the rough graphics work for the video, going along with the gritty theme of the story itself. The soundtrack, a suitably haunting piece from Florence and the Machine, also ties into the darker narrative, and the overall effect is a suitably haunting, grim piece. I'm a fan of the plaguelands in general, so the spooky, haunting tone really worked for me. If you want to buy wow gold,please go to

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif প্রবন্ধ: Blizzard Designer: Combat Pet Fertile Varieties And Gender Id - 09/02/2014 23:05

Blizzard lead content designer Cory Stockton recently accepted an interview with foreign media, expressed his views on the new system of "Mists of Pandaria" pet Battle. 5.1 patch added a lot of pets, this is because the pet level and type of the presence of faults, such as machinery, dragons, and the souls of the class, so he added a new pet as a response. MOP patch should not add so many pets. Pet Battle system is quite successful, feeling really into WOW, has become a part of the world, not just an embellishment of the nature of game. The players were given the overwhelming positive feedback. The account sharing tasks and achievements, there are some problems, is expected to make the player's experience as the development group, but this is Whenever the introduction of new technology into the existing system will have side effects. WOW players, more than half have at least tried to pet Battle. Pets do not need so much balance adjustment like PvP profession. Pet Battle design intent is fun, but not complicated. The add skill descriptions and other information to let the players do not need to spend a lot of time Pet Battle will be able to advance research into it. Anyone in the group can put forward the idea of ??a pet and then do it after the pet battle group together, this pet into the Battle of pet. Blizzard internal editing tools designed is used to produce the content rather than finding information, fans stations find information helpful, even if the staff development team so! For a new pet system early they had had some ideas, one of which is to collect dog. Allows players to collect various types of dogs, then teach them various skills. Pet future changes They will feel the right time to add more dog pet, the most likely solution as multiple achievement awards. There are currently no plans to Offer Mobile pet battle game, but they discussed the matter. Is still in the game carve and study within the broad framework of the pet system, in order to determine future plans. The production version of the phone very large workload, invested so much time and energy to the need for careful consideration. Think the right time to make a pet in the future have the opportunity to upgrade to the epic quality. All pets have fertility varieties and gender numbers to future Blizzard use, but there is no plan to use. The appearance of a similar pet possible to obtain a new model in the future. Such as all frogs are the same model, just a different skin, in a future patch may add more frogs model. Will certainly possible to open the wild pet trade, but the game is in the 5.1 patch phase feeling lack of preparation. There are still a lot of people in the collection of the pet, and strive to build their own clan. If you allow player transactions wild pet will cut this fun. May allow traders to a few species of wild pet in the 5.2 patch, and then how to fix in the future will be based on the effect of this change. Is a factor of 5.2 or the future of the patch produced is similar to the chief wild pet. When fighting, this "princes pet" is greater than the average pet, and players can only play against them, not capture, however, they are much more powerful than ordinary pet. May be joined to defeat the achievements of all the chiefs pet ", similar to [ record shine through! , The reward is a unique pet . If you want to buy wow gold,please go to

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif প্রবন্ধ: Should Free For All Pvp Be Applied To Battlegrounds - 10/02/2014 22:40

Yesterday, I finished gathering valor points for Wrathion, and moved on to the next step of the legendary chain. Unfortunately, this included winning two battlegrounds. I say unfortunately because while I enjoyed PvP back in the days of vanilla and Burning Crusade, I really haven't focused on PvP all that much since then. In fact, other than some excursions into Wintergrasp and Tol Barad, I tend to avoid it altogether. It's not that I don't enjoy PvP, honestly -- it's that I know, deep down in my heart, that I'm not terribly good at it. So I stay out of the battlegrounds and let those that know what they are doing excel at it. But last night's excursion into the Temple of Kotmogu and the Silvershard Mines were eye-opening, to say the least. Temple of Kotmogu was an incredibly fun frenzy of grabbing orbs and killing players, and escorting carts in the Silvershard Mines was pretty entertaining, too. Still, sometimes I miss the days where PvP was all about killing other players. It turns out, I'm not alone. Big Bear Butt made a post the other day that mentioned reading about the new PvP quests and zone in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Unlike the battlegrounds we have in buy gold on wow, the new zone is a free-for-all area -- meaning you can attack anyone. Including groups of your own faction. Or, you know, your friends and guildmates. World of Warcraft has always had that faction barrier there -- sure, you can kill Horde if you're Alliance, but you can't kill Alliance. After all, they're on your team! Big Bear Butt wondered if this would be something that could work for WoW, too. In fact, there's already something very much like it in game already. Both the Gurubashi Arena and the Darkmoon Faire cage match allow players to attack anyone, regardless of faction. But there's no real battleground with that mechanic in place. Instead, we're set into teams, and those teams are set against each other. And the more Big Bear Butt talked about the possibility of a whole battleground centered around this free-for-all idea, the more entertaining it sounded. He did give a specific, plausible example of something that could work -- taking the part of mercenaries recruited as a team, intent on hunting priceless artifacts and claiming them before anyone else could. In that case, because we're all playing the part of mercenaries, fighting teams made up of your own faction would actually be plausible. Get to the treasure and claim it first, and you win. But I'm curious if it would be more fun to take it a step or two further. Patch 5.2 is introducing solo scenarios where players can nab treasure and other goodies while making their way through a mogu vault. The idea sounds ridiculously fun, and the thought of having some solo challenges thrown in the mix with everything else is pretty good. What if the same idea were implemented into a free-for-all PvP battleground? Solo PvP is a nuisance, and it's nice to have teammates around. So what if instead of two teams of 15 fighting in a battleground, you had five teams of three players each? The object being to get to the treasure first, but offer a multitude of different paths you could take to get to it? Heck, if you wanted to make it really interesting, throw in some active environment that you could click to help keep other players out of the way -- cause a rockslide, cut a bridge, force the other teams to take an alternate path. A race, yes, but a PvP race, one that had several different options for getting to that treasure first, and allowed free-for-all PvP at its finest. I really liked both the enthusiasm and the ideas in that post by Big Bear Butt, and I recommend giving it a read -- it made me really think about battlegrounds and their future for the first time in years. What do you think the future is for battlegrounds? What kind of things would you like to see implemented? Do you think a free-for-all battleground would be ridiculous amounts of fun, or a nightmare? And if such a battleground existed, would you give it a play? Let's hear it! If you want to buy wow gold,please go to

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif প্রবন্ধ: Get Low-cost World Of Warcraft Gold Today - 11/02/2014 22:56

  Gold is the primary form of currency utilised inside the game buying wow gold can easily be obtained in small quantities by way of hunting, quests, and a assortment of other means. It can take a lot of hours of game play to accumulate a sufficient quantity of funds to buy desirable items although. In the event you would like to speed up the rate at which you obtain in game money, you ought to consider getting low cost WoW gold. It is possible to buy currency from several vendors on the web nowadays. Not all vendors give really excellent deals to their customers though. For this reason, you should shop around to uncover the most effective costs accessible to you at any given moment. The largest vendors of currency are usually the best vendors it is possible to obtain in game currency from, due to the fact they use numerous methods to obtain their currency and they are very efficient at what they do. For this reason, should you purchase your currency from these vendors, you'll likely receive a significant amount of currency in exchange for a tiny sum of actual world funds. The procedure of collecting funds in game can take hours upon hours of game play. Players who have endless amounts of time on their hands are usually the only rich players discovered in this virtual world. In the event you begin purchasing your currency although, you are able to give yourself an additional advantage over other players as well as gain access to epic items that you would not otherwise be able to acquire. In the event you also incorporate the amount of time you spend thinking about new methods to collect money in game, the amount of work and time you must give to this procedure can add up to days, if not months, each single year. Starting right now, you no longer need to waste time thinking about new approaches to get in game money and you no longer need to spend countless hours hunting and completing quests, due to the fact you are able to just purchase your in game currency from now on. Vendors who sell in game currency have currency accessible for all the WoW servers too. When you purchase your currency, you will likely obtain your income in a matter of minutes. Vendors can deliver cash to you in game by means of a number of means, such as face to face transfers and mail deliveries. No matter how much gold you're thinking about buying, you are able to make your life considerably less difficult overall by buying cheap WoW gold. As soon as you buy your currency, you will have access to more items, you'll feel freer whilst playing, and you may have a lot more enjoyable overall enjoying the activities you love to do although playing this game. If you want to buy wow gold,please go to